[atariparty] Fwd: Atari Party 2016 volunteering & sponsorship

Andy O'Brien andyob at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 15:25:59 PDT 2016

You can modify my entry a bit Bill....

   - (2) Atari 8-bit (800 with Incognito, 130xe w/ Ultimate Cart)
   - Atari 16-bit STe, CosmosEx
   - PC (46" TV, 4P, modern Gauntlet)
   - Jaguar

I don't know if people will object to a modern PC running Gauntlet. If it's
an issue, let me know. I was going to use the big TV with Sal's Component
adapter I won last year, but it's fried and I'm not qualified to repair it.
Any volunteers? I could mail it to you to diagnose and you could bring it
to the party. I'd pay for the beer or whatever.

I may have an extra SC1224 for any ST people to borrow. I could also use a
couple 2600 Joys if people have extras lying around.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net>
Date: Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [atariparty] Atari Party 2016 volunteering & sponsorship
To: "Atari Party (discussion/planning)" <atariparty at lists.sonic.net>

Hi again,

First, a few thank-yous...  Thanks to Bob Woolley for offering
his truck for moving my equipment.  And thanks to both Molly Patton
and Michael Whipp for donating some cash to cover some of my
out-of-pocket expenses for the show, so far!

Second, we're now up to 7 exhibitors.  See them here:

I added a section near the bottom of the page that lists what systems,
and in what quantities, people have signed up to bring so far.
That way, if you need help deciding what to bring, you can
see whether we're already 'covered' in a particular 'department'.

Here's the list right now:

  What?            How many?
  ---------------- ---------
  Arcade cabinet   1
  Atari 2600       3
  Atari 5200       1 - 2
  Atari 7800       2
  Atari Lynx       2 - 3
  Atari Jaguar     1 - 3
  Atari 8-bit      3 - 4
  Atari 16-bit     2
  Atari Portfolio  0 - 1
  Nintendo NES     1
  Nintendo GBA     2
  Sega Genesis     1
  Sony PlayStation 1
  Sony PS2 2       1
  other TBD        0 - 2

Those "other TBD" ones were based on Greg Dodd & Dan DeVriend
mentioning they may bring some other systems.  (If you two have
decided what, let me know and I can update the page.)

Finally, I'm also trying to keep track of how many systems are
still 'orphaned', in that they don't have a display (TV or monitor)
dedicated to them.  It's a little fuzzy just yet, but it looks
like we may already need up to four extras (preferably all with
composite inputs).  If you have any extra displays you can bring,
even if you're not bringing any game systems, let me know!

I'd rather have some extra, unnecessary displays sitting in a corner,
than having game systems languishing with no way to play them. :)

Thanks as always,

Sent from my computer
atariparty mailing list
atariparty at lists.sonic.net

Andy O'Brien
Xercies Dragon
(650) 315-8329 (Cell)
Buy me a game <http://steamcommunity.com/id/Android8675/wishlist>, or
something <http://amzn.com/w/1F8QWVYMAFYRQ>...
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