[Pollinator] Hank Jones RE Pollinator Gardeners of Canada (PGC) - update

Hank acorn at treenuts.ca
Tue Dec 14 13:50:59 PST 2010

Hello all,

This message is for all who have shown interest in bringing the Pollinator Gardeners of Canada forward.

I am pleased to tell you that our PGC is now a member of Food Secure Canada, as a group working to recover our wild pollinator populations across the country.

We are also now plugged into the international food security network through the newly empowered Committee on World Food Security of the United Nations (http://cso4cfs.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/csm-draft-2-en.pdf) based in Rome.

Questions? Concerns? You can reach the PGC at:

Hank Jones, President
374 Allbirch Road
Ottawa ON K0A 3M0
acorn at treenuts.ca

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