[Pollinator] FW: Internatio​nal Symposium on Pollinator​s, September 2014, New Delhi, India

Laurie Adams lda at pollinator.org
Wed Jul 23 14:02:54 PDT 2014


From: International Commission on Plant-Bee Relations [mailto:ICPBR at LISTSERV.UOGUELPH.CA] On Behalf Of Peter Kevan
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:04 PM
Subject: Internatio​nal Symposium on Pollinator​s, September 2014, New Delhi, India



Subject: Internatio​nal Symposium on Pollinator​s, September 2014, New Delhi, India

Dear All,


The International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Pollinators for Sustainable Agriculture and Ecosystem Services will be held at NASC complex, Pusa, New Delhi from September 24-26, 2014. For details please find the attached file.


Looking forward to meeting you all in New Delhi during the symposium.


with regards


Dr V Sivaram



Dr. V. Sivaram

Associate Professor

Fulbright -Nehru Senior Research Scholar

Department of Botany

Bangalore University

Bangalore - 560056, India

Phone:  <tel:%2B%2091-80-22961315> + 91-80-22961315, Fax:  <tel:91-80-23181443> 91-80-23181443
E.mail:  <mailto:sivaram900 at gmail.com> sivaram900 at gmail.com




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