July 2014 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Jul 1 12:54:29 PDT 2014
Ending: Thu Jul 31 10:40:43 PDT 2014
Messages: 49
- [Pollinator] Italian Press Coverage of Presidential Memorandum
Laurie Adams
- [Pollinator] FW: Do bees freak you out? Well, President Obama wants to keep them around. from The Washington Post
Laurie Adams
- [Pollinator] Cutting Through the Buzz: Pollinator Numbers Are Up | Commentary
Laurie Adams
- [Pollinator] Insecticides put world food supplies at risk, say scientists
Laurie Adams
- [Pollinator] USGS data on Annual Estimated Pesticide Use in the U.S.
Sellers, Elizabeth
- [Pollinator] "Flowers" of the Emerald Ash Tree Borer?
Peter Bernhardt
- [Pollinator] Penn State: Local gardens provide protection for threatened pollinators
Christina M. Grozinger
- [Pollinator] Major Honey Bee Article in Minn. Star Tribune
Laurie Adams
- [Pollinator] NY Times editorial about neonicotinoids
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] Spokane bans neonicotinoids
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] Launch of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on the environmental impacts of systemic pesticides
Matthew Shepherd
- [Pollinator] Tiny flying robots being built to pollinate crops
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] News from Canada
Kimberley Fellows
- [Pollinator] The Listserv Rules and Etiquette
Laurie Adams
- [Pollinator] Home Depot to label neonicotinoid-treated plants
Matthew Shepherd
- [Pollinator] Best online resources for agroecology/IPM
Kimberley Fellows
- [Pollinator] International Symposium on Pollinators, September 2014, New Delhi, India
Sivaram V
- [Pollinator] NY Bee Wellness Newsletter SUMMER 2014
- [Pollinator] neonics affecting bird populations
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] NPR interview (on "Fresh Air") with Professor Laurence Packer on status of honeybees
Sellers, Elizabeth
- [Pollinator] Congratulations to Sustainable.TO (and thanks from the bees!)
Vicki Wojcik
- [Pollinator] As Honeybees Die Off, First Inventory of Wild Bees Is Under Way Could wild bees be the key to saving U.S. crops?
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] NYT op-ed on bees (and people)
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] International Symposium on Pollinators September 2014, New Delhi, India
Sivaram V
- [Pollinator] A strange phenomenon reported
Margarita Lopez Uribe
- [Pollinator] REGISTER TODAY: Rhode Island Pollinator Conservation Short Course
Emily Krafft
- [Pollinator] Reminder - DEADLINE for Pollinator Awards - Friday July 25th
Vicki Wojcik
- [Pollinator] FW: Retha Meier sent you a video: "Native bee on Viola pedata"
Vicki Wojcik
- [Pollinator] Why is Canada’s bee population in rapid decline?
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] USGS Study Finds Neonicotinoids Are Common in Streams Throughout the Midwest
Hilburger, Steven
- [Pollinator] strange phenomenon
Jeff's beemail
- [Pollinator] USFWS Region 1 will phase out use of neonicotinoid pesticides on national wildlife refuge system lands
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] Bee battle seeks hearts and minds.
David Inouye
- [Pollinator] Pollination play
Peter Bernhardt
- [Pollinator] Canadian Bee Losses
Vicki Wojcik
- [Pollinator] Love Honey? Learn to Taste it Like a Pro!
Vicki Wojcik
- [Pollinator] Bumblebee in spider's web rescued by other bumblebee
Vicki Wojcik
- [Pollinator] Hilton Pond 07/01/14 (Midsummer Harvest)
Bill Hilton Jr. (RESEARCH)
- [Pollinator] FW: paper-wildflowers for native bees and honeybees, crop land
Kelly Rourke
- [Pollinator] South Florida Bee College!
Klopchin,Jeanette L
- [Pollinator] Fwd: Bees provide a sweet solution to Airbus' pollution problem
De Angelis, Patricia
Last message date:
Thu Jul 31 10:40:43 PDT 2014
Archived on: Fri Aug 1 05:39:53 PDT 2014
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