[Pollinator] FW: [EXTERNAL] [Beemonitoring] Re: A bee term glossary

Droege, Sam sdroege at usgs.gov
Sat May 18 07:34:53 PDT 2024

From: beemonitoring at googlegroups.com <beemonitoring at googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of David Cappaert
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 5:03 PM
To: beemonitoring <beemonitoring at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Beemonitoring] Re: A bee term glossary

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All - In spending 100s of hours working through keys of all kinds, I've had to navigate the challenging terminology. There are cases where I can't find a clear text definition. Many more cases where I need an image or drawing, and a bee-specific explanation to make sense of a term. So I created a glossary:

Glossary of terms that describe bees: a guide for the non-taxonomist<https://leptinotarsa.github.io/glossary_test/glossary%20DW.html>

This is a draft, and will contain errors and omissions. My examples are biased to the taxa I (kind of) know, and the specimens in my limited collection. But where I have failed to be precise, or misinterpreted a term, it is not for lack of effort. If I am confused, it is likely that many advanced amateurs are likewise confused.

A good example came up in Sam and Clare's bee class: malar space. This is defined in bugguide (and elsewhere) as: The area between the bottom of the compound eye<https://bugguide.net/node/view/111909> and the top of the mandible<https://bugguide.net/node/view/110555>. But where it is an important trait - say Bombus or Andrena - the simple definition is insufficient to evaluate a specimen in a precise way. My entry<https://leptinotarsa.github.io/glossary_test/glossary%20DW.html#malar> gets me closer, the photos being critical. My entry will be closer still when people in the bee community let me know what I should tweak or add.

So: please hit me with any kind of feedback you have time for, from suggested edits, to grand ideas about how the concept should evolve, or who might like to collaborate.

David Cappaert
cappaert at comcast.net<mailto:cappaert at comcast.net>
Quamash EcoResearch<https://www.quamasheco.com/>

On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 1:23 PM David Cappaert <davidcappaert at appliedeco.org<mailto:davidcappaert at appliedeco.org>> wrote:
All - In spending 100s of hours working through keys of all kinds, I've had to navigate the terminology. There are cases where I can't find a clear text definition. Many more cases where I need an image or drawing, and a bee-specific explanation to make sense of a term. So I created a glossary:

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